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Carroll County MD, Health and Wellness for the New Year 2024

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Carroll County Health Guide.

Carroll Health and Fitness and Weight and Diet and Wellness.

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Scott Singleton, Fitness Trainer, Health Coach, Life Coach, Wellness Consultant, Health Education, and Personal Training

Strengthening your body, mind, and spirit is the key to achieving the best overall health at any age.  Investing your time to maintain your health and staying focused on healthy habits is sometimes challenging.  Declining health not only impacts your quality of life; it also will result in costly healthcare expenses.  Using a coach will help motivate you and provide support so that you can successfully achieve your health and wellness goals.  Prioritizing your personal health with the help of a coach is an ideal plan giving you the best chance for optimal wellbeing.

Scott Singleton is a coach who has been encouraging individuals to engage in healthy activities & habits for over 3 decades! He earned an Undergraduate degree in Health Fitness and completed a Graduate degree in Exercise Science.  Through a variety of career and volunteer opportunities, Scott has become knowledgeable and served as a leader of recreation programs, athletics, and worksite wellness.  Nutrition, weight loss, and health supplements are also topics that Scott has provided education for clients.  In addition to his background in health, Scott has taken on a new role as a workforce consultant helping businesses and job seekers.  He is a Certified Business Engagement Professional, a recent graduate of Leadership Carroll, and facilitator of the Job Club group meeting.  Scott is a problem-solver, a people helper, and a positive influencer who wants to spread the joy of health, personal development, & happiness! 

Energy, Passion, Positive Attitude, and Commitment to Excellence are core values and characteristics that I consistently follow in all life pursuits.


McDaniel College, M.S., Exercise Science
Springfield College, B.S., Health Fitness
Carroll Community College, Leadership Carroll program via Carroll County Chamber of Commerce
Business U, CBEP, Certified Business Engagement Professional
Transformation Academy, Life Purpose: Life Coach Certification

 Personal Interests:

Exercise, strength training, wellness, health, education / learning, walking my dogs, Sudoku, building websites, sports, cruises to Caribbean islands, action movies, 80's music, Connecticut Huskies basketball, March Madness, reading magazines, cooking/grilling, relaxing at the beach, and spending time with my family and friends.

LinkedIn:  Scott Singleton, LinkedIn profile    



Please contact me to chat about setting you on a path to success, wellness, and achieving your life goals.

Are you searching for health and wellness programs and services in Carroll County Maryland?  Scott Singleton is available as a coach to guide and inspire you through your journey.  Health is not just physical fitness, tone, or a number on a scale at the doctor's office.  Health is about everything that you are, that you do, relationships, career, aging, leisure activities, feeling great, having energy, eating well, and much more! If you feel that there is something missing, contact Scott Singleton to explore a new direction and goals.

There are a vast amount of programs and professional services that are available to address your needs.  You may be interested in holistic health, plant-based foods, nutritional supplements, personal growth, alternative health, transformation, healing, integrative health and wellness, fitness, stress management, career change, networking, losing weight, or just ready to make a change. Mind set, positive attitude, and setting realistic goals will be key to your success. Making changes to your lifestyle and creating new habits is challenging and requires time. Results will come through effort, persistence, attitude, and ability to embrace some change.  Just remember the reason why you were motivated to begin this journey to a better and more fulfilling life of health.  This is your why and it will keep you on track.  Scott Singleton will also be there to answer questions, provide feedback, make suggestions, and to help you work through the most challenging parts of your journey.

Are you ready to take your next and biggest step to beginning a transformation that will empower you?  Contact Scott.

We have launched a new website, Feel Younger and Healthy, giving you an easy 4-step plan for maintaining your health as you age. Do you think getting older prevents you from being your healthiest? We've got the answers at www.feelyoungerandhealthy.com






Get the Free 30 day guide with simple ways you can make your gut healthy.


Think About Your Health and How it Changes as You Get Older

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The Carroll County Health and Wellness guide provides information that you can use to get healthy and stay healthy.  Some of the health topics and tips include:  fitness, nutrition, stress management, sports, recreation, weight management, smoking cessation, exercise, diet, yoga, weight loss, vitamins, gyms, healthy aging, and links to health organizations in Carroll County Maryland.  Scroll down to see the best health resources available in the Carroll County community.


Got Stress?  What are you doing about it?  Learn More


Health and Wellness Ideas, provided by Carroll County Deals in Maryland.


Transform your health this year, click the link below to get started:

Dare to be Wild Challenge - learn more







Join Our Team - Are you open to discovering a new way to help yourself and other people?  Learn how you can do it, and how you will be helped with great tools & support system.

This health guide provides information for the Carroll County area about the following health and wellness topics:

  1. Weight - Diet - Nutrition

  2. Fitness - Exercise - Health Clubs - Gyms

  3. Smoking

  4. Stress

  5. Sports - Recreation - Games

  6. Healthy Aging - Senior Healthcare

  7. TryVent - health and wellness celebration offering fun games and competition in Carroll County Maryland



Got Stress?  What are you doing about it?  Learn More


Stress is a killer, literally.  We experience stress every day and it has a huge impact on our health, well-being, and quality of life.  Heart disease, cancer, and chronic respiratory diseases are the three top causes of death, but I would argue that stress could be #1 because it beats us down, weakens our immune system, and it causes disruption to physiological, psychological, and cognitive functioning.

Usually, a person will respond with the fight or flight response to stress.  So, we take on the stress and deal with it, or we simply run away from stress.  Sometimes, a person may not even be aware that stress is affecting their behavior or health.  Stress can be a hidden force, or it can be very apparent to the individual.

Sometimes it is difficult to know what is stress.  So, something might occur or possibly nothing occurs, but the individual perceives a problem and then he or she must figure out how to deal with it, or possibly they might not want to deal with the stress at all.  There may be some signs that a person is under stress or you may not notice any external things showing an aroused state due to the stress.  Sound confusing to you?  Stress is not easy to define and it can affect people in different ways, but we do know that stress can have a devastating impact on our life.

Think about all of the ways stress can influence your life.  You can be stressed in a number of different ways.  Here’s a short list of some of the top stressors in our lives and examples of the stress:

  • Work stress:  A fireman going into a building on fire.
  • Family stress:  Dealing with aging parents or your children, or your siblings.  Or, a new baby is born to young parents.
  • School stress:  Taking final exams or the SAT.
  • Marital stress:  Relationship with your spouse is always changing and stressful.
  • Financial stress:  Trying to pay bills that are overdue or you lose your job.
  • Environmental stress:  Winter arrives, it gets colder and daylight hours are much less.
  • Holiday stress:  From Black Friday to Christmas and then New Years – lots of stress!
  • Political stress:  Presidential elections and fallout from Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.
  • Food stress:  Allergies, toxic foods, chemicals, additives, junk food, and obesity.

Stress is a constant and we will be bombarded by stress every day in many different ways.  You just can’t get away from stress, unless you live on the planet Mars.  Look, you first have to accept that stress is a fact of life and it’s all around us.  Next, you have to look and listen for the signs that stress may be causing problems in your life and identify what is causing the stress.

When you have awareness of the stress in your life, the next step is to figure out a way to reduce the stress, or a plan to manage stress when it occurs.  So, we’re now talking about stress management, the plan that you will use to allow your body, your mind, and your spirit to work through and get rid of the toxic by-products created by the stress.  Yes, stress can be very toxic and cause extreme damage to your physical and mental health.

When stress happens, and it will just like shit happens, you must be ready with your stress management plan.  First, don’t think you can just ignore the stress and it will go away.  Deal with your stress and manage the stress, and reduce the stress in your life by taking action.  Here are some stress management tips and stress reduction guide for you to use when you encounter stress:

  • Moderate exercise can help to manage your stress and releases endorphins to help you feel better. Plus, you’ll strengthen your muscles and your heart with physical activity like walking, biking, swimming, tennis, yoga, weight training, recreation, or sports.
  • Yoga is one of the best stress activities because it enables you to breathe, slow down, stretch, and become more focused on your physical needs.
  • Meditation, Deep breathing, Relaxation strategy, Imagery:  A combination of mind and body to help you focus, be calm, clear your mind, rejuvenate, and to focus on very positive things that make you feel good.
  • Do things or activities that make you feel happy and healthy.  It can be a physical activity, a hobby, reading, listening to music, creating art, taking a vacation, or anything that will lift your spirits.
  • Get more rest and slow down.  We live in a world that moves very fast and it seems to always be on the go.  So, take time to allow your body to get rest, go to bed early, take a nap, and make sure that you don’t sabotage your health by bringing on more stress due to sleep deprivation.
  • Drink more water.  Water is great for your health and it will help to flush away the bad stuff out of your body.  Eight cups of water each day is a good plan.
  • Eat better by reducing the processed foods and replace with natural whole foods that are packed with the nutrients that you need to be strong.  Good food consumption will help you feel better and be prepared to deal with stress.
  • Talk it out and communicate with your family, friends, and the people who care about you.  Share your concerns and allow others to help you deal with the stress that is disrupting your life.
  • Be ready to change your habits, your thinking, and be open to doing things a new and different way.  You know that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.  Change it up!  Make some adjustments or just try something new.

Okay, I hope that you can use some of these stress management tips to deal with things that are happening in your life in a better and healthier way.  You have a choice and you can decide to manage the stress with some of the ideas presented in today’s blog post.

One more thing, in earlier posts, I mentioned a challenge called the Dare to be Wild Challenge.  If you’re looking for something to jump start and provide a way for you to re-energize and feel better, take a look at theDare to be Wild challenge  Click here for details and explanation of how you can participate in this life changing challenge.

Thank you for reading and please share this blog with others.  Look for the next blog post coming very soon.  Make it a great day – bye!

Scott Singleton

Connect with me on LinkedIn


Scott Singleton Blog



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Need help remembering to exercise? Try a fitness and activity tracker like those from Misfit, Garmin, Jawbone, and Fitbit. They’re designed to let you know how much activity you’ve had in your day--and some even track how well you’re sleeping by monitoring sleep. Some have built-in heart rate monitors, while others can connect to a heart rate monitor. Most fitness trackers sync with your smartphone and computer to review your activity. In our Wearable Technology Store, you’ll find the most popular activity and fitness trackers, including the Misfit Shine, the Garmin vivofit, and the Fitbit Charge, Flex, and Surge.



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Fitness Goal: 

To optimize your health, adults need to do cardio activity and strength training each week.  The cardio or aerobic exercise at a moderate effort level should total to a minimum of 150 minutes every week.  Strength training exercises should be done 2 or more days a week and need to include all of the major muscle groups:  chest, shoulders, back, legs, hips, arms, and abs.

Nutrition Goal:


How many calories are contained in 1 pound of body fat?

Answer:  There are 3500 calories

Tip:  To lose 1-2 pounds of weight each week you need to reduce calorie intake by approximately 500 calories per day and do physical activity that burns extra calories such as walking or weight training.

Tip:  1 to 2 pounds of weight loss in 1 week is a safe and realistic goal.


Important Note:  Check with your doctor prior to starting an exercise or weight loss program especially if you have not been active in quite some time, or if you have health issues. 

Weight:  Here are some of the best Carroll County health links for weight, diet, and nutrition.

Fitness:  Browse this list of fitness centers, gyms, and health clubs serving the Carroll County community.

Smoking:  Look at these programs if you want to quit smoking or using tobacco products.

Stress:  Here are some programs that can help reduce and manage your stress.

Sports:  View some of the popular sports, athletics, recreation, and games in Carroll County MD.

General Information about Health & Wellness for Carroll County Maryland.


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Carroll County Maryland, Healthy Aging, Senior Healthcare, Health resources for Seniors in Carroll County Md:

1: Home Instead Senior Care
Home Instead Senior Care 250 Engler Drive Suite 11 Westminster, MD 21157 614 West Patrick Street Frederick, MD 21701 301-846-9922 - voice 301-846-9944 - fax Contact 1 Leigh-Ann .......
2: Senior Constant Care
Senior Constant Care 1200 W. Old Liberty Road Sykesville, MD 21784-9398 410-795-7407 - voice 410-795-5456 - fax Purpose To provide assisted living services to Carroll County .......
3: Lookabout Manor, Inc.
assisted living care for the elderly in a homelike atmosphere. Service This senior care home is owned and operated by a licensed nurse with more than 30 years of experience. .......
4: Misty's Senior Services, LLC
Office Hours 9-5 Mon-Fri Contact 1 Mrs. Misty S. Hoiberg Owner Purpose To provide the best quality care to seniors or anyone that needs it, too help make life a little less hectic. .......
5: Carroll County Bureau of Aging and Disabilities
Programs offered include: Information & Assistance, Center for Independent Living (CIL), National Family Caregiver Support, Senior Care, Senior Assisted Living Group Home Subsidy, .......
6: Right at Home In-Home Care & Assistance
Eligibility senior citizens/disabled/anyone over 18 years old Fees We except Long-Term Care Insurance, Veteran Benefits, IHAS and Senior Care Eligibility Subjects Home Care .......
7: North Pines Assisted Living Facility
Nurse 443-744-3463 - voice Purpose Provides assisted living and person-centered care for senior citizens Service A 16 bed home providing country living, compassionate and .......
8: Visiting Angels
Service Provide Private duty, in home care. Eligibility Serves senior citizens/ anyone over 18 Fees Accepts long term care insurance, private insurance, and veteran's benefits. .......
9: West End Place Medical Adult Day Services
Eligibility Serves ages 50 and older. Fees Sliding scale Subjects Day Care - Adults, Home Care Services, Senior Citizens - Assisted Living Facilities, Support Groups Last Updated .......
10: Hidden Treasures
To provide assisted living facilities to Carroll County senior citizens. Service This eleven-bed facility offers personal care, a hairdresser, outings, and ecumenical services. .......
11: Bonds Forest Assisted Living
Managing Partner 410-848-1700 or 410-274-3490 - voice jimbozorny@yahoo.com Purpose To offer senior assisted living as an affordable, attractive alternative to nursing home care. .......
12: Senior Medicare Patrol
Assistance (Medicaid) and other health care fraud issues through counseling and public education. Service The goals of the Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) are to educate .......
13: Bethania Home Care
Bethania Home Care 1305 Uniontown Road Westminster, MD 21158-3735 410-848-5616 - voice ... michikomw@yahoo.com Purpose To provide senior-assisted housing for those elderly who .......
14: Lorien Mount Airy
and ventilator care needs. Call for details. Ages Served Serves ages 18 and older. Area Served Serves Carroll County. Subjects Nursing Homes, Rehabilitation, Senior Citizens - .......
15: Carroll County Department of Social Services, Social Work
Violence, Family Counseling, Foster Care, Homemaker/Housekeeper Services, Marriage Counseling, Mediation, Meditation, Personal Counseling, Senior Citizens - Housing, Sexual Abuse, .......
16: Brightview Westminster Ridge
Brightview Westminster Ridge Brightview Senior Living, LLC 505 High Acre Drive 507 High ... independent, assisted living and memory care retirement community that offers excellent .......
17: Long Term Care Ombudsman Program (LTCOP)
Ombudsman also investigate complaints about quality of care, quality of life, ... A minimum commitment of four hours per week is required. Subjects Nursing Homes, Senior .......
18: Transitions Healthcare Oakland Manor Assisted Living
Purpose To provide quality care and increase the quality of life for our ... Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Senior Citizens - Assisted Living Facilities
19: Sunflower Hill Assisted Living, LLC
an individual basis. Service Provides care to people who can no longer live at home alone. ... Ages Served Serves ages 55 and older. Subjects Senior Citizens - Assisted Living .......
20: Sunflower Hill, Too
an individual basis. Service Provides care to people who can no longer live at home alone. ... Ages Served Serves ages 55 and older. Subjects Senior Citizens - Assisted Living .......
21: Country Acres Assisted Living
Service We are a sixteen bed facility, licensed for the maximum Level III care. We ... Fees ranging from $3,100 - $4,500 Subjects Senior Citizens - Assisted Living Facilities .......
22: Carroll Lutheran Village
and 103 skilled nursing beds in the Health Care Center; a memory care wing; and in-patient ... Subjects Geriatric Evaluation, Nursing Homes, Senior Citizens - Assisted Living
23: Brookdale Westminster
they implement custom care plans designed to meet the individual needs of each resident. ... Subjects Alzheimer's Disease, Senior Citizens - Assisted Living Facilities, Volunteers
24: State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP)
State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) Carroll County Bureau of Aging and Disabilities 125 Stoner Avenue Westminster, MD 21157-5451 410-386-3800 - voice 410-840-0436 - .......
25: Information and Assistance Program
Information and Assistance Program Carroll County Bureau of Aging and Disabilities 125 Stoner Avenue Westminster, MD 21157-5451 410-386-3800 - voice 410-840-0436 - fax 711/.......
26: South Carroll Senior and Community Center
South Carroll Senior and Community Center Carroll County Bureau of Aging and Disabilities 5928 Mineral Hill Road Eldersburg, MD 21784-6823 410-386-3700 - voice 410-795-0888 - fax .......
27: Taneytown Senior and Community Center
Senior and Community Center Carroll County Bureau of Aging and Disabilities 220 Roberts Mill Road Taneytown, MD 21787-2226 410-386-2700 - voice 410-751-0338 - fax Office Hours .......
28: North Carroll Senior and Community Center
Senior and Community Center Carroll County Bureau of Aging and Disabilities 2328 Hanover Pike Hampstead, MD 21074-1151 410-386-3900 - voice 410-374-1395
29: National Family Caregivers Support Program
Family Caregivers Support Program Carroll County Bureau of Aging and Disabilities 125 Stoner Avenue Westminster, MD 21157-5451 410-386-3800 - voice 410-840-0436 - fax Office Hours .......
30: Mount Airy Senior and Community Center
Senior and Community Center Carroll County Bureau of Aging and Disabilities 703 Ridge Avenue Mount Airy, MD 21771-5221 410-795-1017 - voice 410-549-5429 - fax Office Hours Mon-Fri .......
31: Westminster Senior and Community Center
Senior and Community Center Carroll County Bureau of Aging and Disabilities 125 Stoner Avenue Westminster, MD 21157-5451 410-386-3850 - voice 410-386-3841 - fax Office Hours .......
32: Long Term Care Ombudsman Program (LTCOP)
Long Term Care Ombudsman Program (LTCOP) Carroll County Bureau of Aging and Disabilities 125 Stoner Avenue Westminster, MD 21157-5451 410-386-3800 - voice 410-840-0436 - fax Office .......
33: Carroll Lutheran Village
Purpose Carroll Lutheran Village is a not-for-profit, nationally accredited, continuing care retirement community that provides quality aging services to people age 60 and over. .......
34: Country Acres Assisted Living
- voice Purpose Country Acres Assisted Living home is dedicated to caring for aging adults in a manor that gives them the most dignity, independence and respect possible. .......
35: Carroll County Department of Citizen Services
Member agencies are the Bureau of Aging and Disabilities, the Bureau of Housing and Community Development, and the Local Management Board. This agency is also directly responsible .......
36: Freedom Center, Inc.
For TTY service, please call 711. The toll free number is 844-513-3027. We have an office at the Carroll County Bureau of Aging and Disabilities, 410-386-3800. Eligibility
37: Brookdale Westminster
We believe that growing older doesn't mean the options for enjoying life have to shrink. Our philosophy is that we're all aging, but that should never keep us from living. Service
38: SPIN - Senior Provider Information Network
SPIN - Senior Provider Information Network 125 Stoner Avenue Westminster, MD 21157 125 Stoner Avenue Westminster, MD 21157 410-386-3813 - voice Contact 1 Lauren Hickey President .......
39: Carroll Area Transit System (CATS)
to all persons with disabilities, low income, and seniors who need specialized services above that which is available through the public service provider operating the county system. .......
40: Carroll County Bureau of Aging and Disabilities
service providers and more. Programs offered include: Information & Assistance, Center for Independent Living (CIL), National Family Caregiver Support, Senior Care, Senior .......
41: Therapeutic Recreation
PROGRAMS FOR SENIORS: water therapy, recreational games, art and music therapy. PROGRAMS ... Council membership consists of consumers, advocates, parents, and other provider-agency




Other good links to Health resources:

This Carroll County Health page was created by Scott Singleton, who has professional experience in the fitness, weight loss, and recreational sports industry.  You can view more information about Scott Singleton at his LinkedIn profile web page.






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